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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Insert Your Own Title Here

This doesn't have anything to do with anything.

I like this photo that I took and I really love onion rings. (This was my lunch on Sunday. The hamburger was topped with bleu cheese, sauteed onions and mushrooms, fyi. Thank you, Burgermeister in Cole Valley!)

That's all.


Okay, Blogger is freaking out right now. It just ate my post (maybe it was the hamburger?). I know this post is very Seinfeldian (i.e., about nothing) but still, I want my nothing to be heard!


Okay, I think it's better now. Whew.

What I wanted to tell you, in a random way because this post has no theme, are the following:

Please see Christina's lovely photo here. I think it's one of her very best.

And then, please visit emma tree and read her magical story here. You will love it.

And then, I really wanted you to see Princess Sparkle Pony's Photo Blog, which is going to give me hours of laughs, thanks to my buddy Tara. I mean, with a name like Princess Sparkle Pony, what's not to love?

And then I wanted to share with you the object of my latest obession: baby pandas. I have never given much thought to baby pandas, until P at What Possessed Me posted this. And now I will never be the same. I keep coming back to look at this photo, like I need a hit of baby panda.

I dare you to look at this photo and not instantly succumb to the power of the baby panda.

And that, my friends, is that. I'm outta here.


My Castle in Spain September 18, 2008 at 5:11 PM  

So bad these onions are virtual !!
sweet Tangobay, i've sent you an email a few hours ago to say MERCI MERCI with all my heart...

i so wanted to comment on your post below but it's quite late here 2pm and my neurones are on low...

will catch up tomorrow!


ModernTanguera September 18, 2008 at 5:26 PM  

That pickle looks crunchy and deliiiicious.

Also, have you ever heard a baby panda squawk? I saw a video clip on tv just about a week ago ... if I can find it online I'll definitely share!

Tess Kincaid September 18, 2008 at 5:55 PM  

I just had a perfectly nice dinner and now I am hungry uh-gain thanks to you and your hamburger-onion rings!

Was the Edith Head bio you read by Chierichetti? I'm adding it to my library list along with the Brian Blessed book. :^)

Relyn Lawson September 18, 2008 at 5:56 PM  

I love all this linky love.

Leaning Shanty Farm September 18, 2008 at 9:25 PM  

I loooove that pic! Makes me hungry! I loooove onion rings. So good.

d smith kaich jones September 19, 2008 at 7:44 AM  

Oh. Onions & I do NOT agree! But the picture is wonderful & makes me actually wish we DID! :)

AND thank you for including me in your list of links - I've checked out the others & feel quite flattered to be included.

AND Princess Sparkle Pony is a MAN??!!!

:) Debi

christina September 19, 2008 at 8:05 AM  

Uhem... can you call a sister the next time you have a burger like that?? : )

We both like onion rings too! Oh my!

I have to go visit the links now.

tangobaby September 19, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

Hi Lala,

I know, I got your email! Thank you so much! I will reply to you next, I promise!


Hi moderntanguera,

I have NOT heard the baby panda squawk. And I'm afraid because that would mean staying home from work to watch it (no sound on computer at work). Maybe you can find it and I'll only watch it on weekends.

And yes, the pickle was good. I am a pickle fiend.

Hi willow,

I'm sorry. I hate when food porn does that to me.

Yes, that is the book. Listen, it's not a really great book. It's just okay, but hey, how many books are there about Edith Head anyway? Look for a used copy.

Hi relyn,

Me too!

Hi abbey,

Yeah, onion rings and buffalo wings are my total weaknesses. Wow. I just made myself drool. LOL!

Hi paris parfait,

The best things in life often have a fabulous gay man involved somewhere. Somehow I instinctively knew one was behind Princess Sparkle Pony--it was either the name or the stuff about the shoes. Subtle but there.

I have been fortunate to segue from years in makeup artistry to interior design and have worked with many of Princess Sparkle Pony's bretheren and I love them all!

Thank you for sharing PSP with us!


Hi debi,

But you could still eat the batter, right? That's really the best part anyway.

You need to come to SF where we are chock full of Princess Sparkle Ponies. You will love them!

Your story was so wonderful! I couldn't help but share it.

Hi christina,

You can call me sister whenever you want. Even without the burger. Although I know yours would be 10x better.

Anonymous September 19, 2008 at 9:57 PM  

Christina's photo is beautiful... and I love the fact that they were strangers and the little girl just went running up to kiss the womans stomach :-)

diana murphy September 20, 2008 at 11:20 AM  

Look to your e - and maybe check spam. I sent out my preorder (yippity skip) earlier today.

julochka September 21, 2008 at 2:13 AM  

oh man, that makes me hungry and right when i decided to cut out meat for the next month just for fun and to see if i can...i won't, however count sushi as meat...but i digress.

A Cuban In London September 21, 2008 at 9:32 AM  

'Insert your own title here'

'The Hunger' with Susan Sarandon as one of the onions and Catherine Deneuve as one of the pickles.

Greetings from London.

tangobaby September 22, 2008 at 2:10 PM  

Hi Carol,

I'm so glad you went over to see Christina's photo. She captures some amazing moments and I love her writing, too.

Hi diana,

I got your email and we're all set. Thanks again! Yay!

Hi julochka,

The onion rings were really the best part (and the pickle), so just double up on those.

Hi a cuban,

Is that the movie where people turn into wolves? Is Catherine Deneuve being a pickle a compliment? Or a condiment?
