Weekend Update
No wonder I get tired on Mondays.
Saturday: One of my favorite views of San Francisco.

Yes, it is that good.
That was part of my reward for a four-hour walk in the Haight and through Golden Gate park (getting photos for a next book, of course.)

And then back home to meet The Boy in time to get to the 2008 California State Yo Yo Championships at the Exploratorium...

Let's just say that Championship level yo-yo-ing is very entertaining and certainly holds your attention. (If you want to get an idea of how fun, check this out. We saw this kid--he won last year.)
And then whizzing across town to catch a baseball game: the SF Giants vs. the Pittsburgh Pirates (we won), and a second bratwurst (this one with sauerkraut).
Jose Feliciano sang the National Anthem (which was wayyyyy cool and we were so thrilled and it's a very beautiful version--see clip below) and some little Boy Scouts got the game going.

(I am very proud of this photograph of the ballpark at sunset, btw.)
And then the next day:
To stumble upon this place (part of the next day's photo walk), in a store where I have no place being and should never return to. I was too overwhelmed to buy anything. I feel like I have dodged a bullet.

And then a walk along the Embarcadero, taking more photos.

Just another day...
Then, meeting up with The Boy (again)...
...who drove us to an for-sale/open house of a famous rock star he happens to know.
Downstairs in the room off the music recording studio, I found a folder that had some paperwork in it, so I pretended like I was a CIA operative and took this photo so you would know I was not making this up.
Sadly, the only thing left undone was to attend the Lebowski Fest 2008, but there's really only so much a person can realistically cram into a weekend.
That's okay. I'll just watch my favorite scene from the film a few times and that will be enough. Hope your weekend was mighty fine!
I'm going to collapse now. Nitey nite.

And then whizzing across town to catch a baseball game: the SF Giants vs. the Pittsburgh Pirates (we won), and a second bratwurst (this one with sauerkraut).

(I am very proud of this photograph of the ballpark at sunset, btw.)
And then the next day:
To stumble upon this place (part of the next day's photo walk), in a store where I have no place being and should never return to. I was too overwhelmed to buy anything. I feel like I have dodged a bullet.

And then a walk along the Embarcadero, taking more photos.

Just another day...
Then, meeting up with The Boy (again)...

Sadly, the only thing left undone was to attend the Lebowski Fest 2008, but there's really only so much a person can realistically cram into a weekend.
I'm going to collapse now. Nitey nite.
Wow that's a busy weekend :-) Really great photos, I like the bridge photo a lot, but then, I do love water :-)
Ah, Roseanne Roseannadanna! Gilda was the greatest! Fun weekend!! :)
If this isn't the coolest post! Gilda, Jose, yo-yo's and brats! Some of my favorites!.
Okay, the brats won me over but, what can I say I am a Wisconsin girl! I make a mean brat grilled and simmered in beer. : )
Wait did you say -4 hours?? Can we take lots of breaks during a walk like that?
Ohmygod! Bless your little heart! What a miserable, lousy, aggravation-filled weekend I had & I came here feeling so cruddy & bad-mooded & sorry for myself & find - YES! - a scene from The Big Lebowski, which how could you NOT love, btw? And not only did I smile, I laughed. What a wonderful movie - I will tell you sometime about driving my mother to Dairy Queen because she had a coupon for The Dude, and nothing else would do, and I laughed hysterically all the way becuase I didn't know The Dude was a DQ sandwich - I though a coupon for The Dude sounded like QUITE a bargain! SHE thought I was nuts.
:) Debi
the only thing i love more than Plug2 is Rosamundie.
That was some super busy weekend. I loved your photos. The shoes are seductive but just think - you could never do much walking in them so they would ruin your photography career. I wish I'd known about the yo-yo competition. What a hoot! Of course, Saturday was still blisteringly hot so I didn't venture out much but I might have for yo-yo's. I loved them when I was a kid but I was simply dreadful. My string always got limp and floppy and my yo-yo just would lay on the ground and die on me.
Think of the childhood trauma.
Hi Carol,
I don't plan on this sort of thing all the time (I don't think I could keep up) but one thing's nice, in either direction that I walk from home, I can get to water. Either the bay or the ocean.
I love that!
Hi willow,
Even her photo makes me smile. Bless Gilda. She was awesome. I loved when she was the Queen of Germany, too.
Hi christina,
At first when I saw the word Brats, I was thinking of those horrible dolls but then it dawned on me that you meant sausages.
Simmered in beer? Oh my! I'm sure we don't do it half as good here as you do.
As for the walk, we can't take too many breaks! We have to earn our sausages. And ice cream.
Hi debi,
I'm so glad I could make you smile, even if it was through a movie that I had nothing to do with except like very much.
As for The Dude coupon, I have to say that I would have done the exact same thing, or else even assumed that the coupon had something to do with Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Keanu Reeves.
And now I can tell you *my* DQ story: Until I was in my mid-twenties, I had never been to a Dairy Queen (they don't really have them out here in CA), so I had no idea what a DQ even stood for.
I found out when I saw Waiting for Guffman and Parker Posey's character works at the DQ. She talks about Blizzards, too, so when I finally made my one and only trip out to Minnesota, and we went to the DQ, I knew what to order and not embarrass myself.
The things we can learn from watching good comedies is amazing.
Hi plug 1,
I LOVE Rosamunde's. I get the same thing EVERY TIME. Sometimes I get there when they open and stand in line with all of the other ravenous people. Maybe I sat next to you and Plug 2?
I forgot to mention the potato salad. Hey, have you ever been to the sausage place on Market?
Hi namastenancy,
You're right about the shoes (my feet still hurt today--that's a lot of pavement) but you're also talking to a shoe junkie.
I've been a shore whore alot longer than I've been taking photos, so I just can't snap out of it cold turkey.
The only good news was that the cute shoes were in smaller sizes and nothing fit me, which is probably why I did not buy anything (so you don't think I have some sort of amazing powers of self-deprivation, because I don't.)
Hi namastenancy,
I forgot to talk to you about the yo-yo part.
First of all, what you and I used to have are politely called "fixed axle yo yo's" and are decidedly retro and old-school although they had a division of the competition that used them (and no surprise, the contestants were much older than those pictured and used music from Creedence for their routines.)
Nowadays, yo yos are souped up with ball bearings which allows them to spin for a couple of minutes.
At least your yo yo just died on the ground and you didn't knock your little block off trying to do Around the World's like I used to.
The Boy did buy a fancy yo yo (as was to be expected) but I do not see any championship material there yet.
Hi namastenancy,
I meant shoe whore, not shore whore.
I think it's time for me to go home now. My speller's broken.
I like the idea of a shore whore better, aren't we all shoe whores in a way ... better to be unique, no?
I'm sitting here.
Still sitting here.
No words.
What a weekend! I'm so glad you took us along with you. A little vicarious thrill as my own was filled with illness and work. YIKES!! We have better plans for next week though.
Oh, you cruel woman! That brawurst with onions has forced me to go earlier to lunch!
Greetings from London.
Hi kath,
Yes, I suppose you are right. But I really hate typos. It's the copyeditor in me.
Hi Relyn,
Personally, I thought the rock star's house was the most bizarrely fun aspect, but people seem to really like yo-yos.
I am sad your weekend was a bust. You work so hard and I know you are pooped. I'm wishing you a fantastic make-up weekend!
Hi a cuban in london,
I'm so very sorry. I know I get like that too with the food porn and that's why I try not to read food blogs before lunch time.
I hope you had some bangers and mash to recover yourself!
Aw! I cannot wait to get back to SF again. Great pictures! xo
what a jam packed weekend you had (past tense i know)! i laughed at that shoe store. my friend marcia has a thing for shoes and swears it is difficult for her to chose spending her between camera gear and new shoes :) the Big L preview was fun. as soon as joe saw this over my shoulder he wanted to pop in the DVD to watch it. you really are amazingly energetic.... now i must go and find that photos of your new haircut...
It's not like I'm jet-lagged enough, TB. After reading this update I was forced to lie down and put my feet up.
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