Happy Tired, Tired Happy
"Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open." ~ John Barrymore

But I've got to cool my heels.

My first photo for my i live here: SF project has gone somewhat viral on flickr. I've never had 200+ views of any photo... and already have several photoshoots lined up. Next Free Friday is already booked.

I got a bunch of notes and drawings from the kids who loved that photo so much in the Chinatown book. Just think what they'll do when MJ puts the poster on the wall.
And I met old friends and new. Friends are just popping out all over!

I wish this post was more coherent. This is all I can do right now. Love to you.
Sigh - Happy sigh...
I have so many smiles reading this - it makes me happy down to my toes. Especially the notes ... handwritten notes are the best. And necco wafers.
I just posted about happiness myself my dear Tango Lady. I am so thrilled with your new project!!!
Best of luck on your new project. I know it will be fantastic!
I love my little stack of Moo cards. I actually have peeps to give them too as well~!
How come we never get to see this mysterious boy? Based on the last picture it could be said he is a
Necco-Romancer! ... :-)
Moo cards?! YAY, they always seem to make the day brighter. : )
moo cards do have the capacity to promote happiness. speaking of which, i should order some...
I love your creativity and excitement, TB. Too much of the world is missing out on you. You've got to get going on publishing your work!
Sounds like you're at the start of some really cool stuff. Hope it continues going well!
i once saw a gingerbread house that had necco's as shingles...
i echo jules on this one
*sigh* happy sigh
Don't you just love the way a good idea grows and grows and spawns more good ideas and people get excited and they are so happy for you that they write endless sentences with all the wrong punctuation?
I am so excited for you. Your energy, even across the continent is contagious. I have never had a necco wafer. I love my moo cards and have started giving them away, which I found surprisingly difficult at first, not the self-promotion, but I loved them all so much, my little moo babies. Then Barry pointed out I could always order more! Yay more! And those kid notes are terribly heartwarming. I love kindergarten writing, it's so perfectly imperfect.
And that my friend, was an incoherent comment to your very coherent post, because I understood perfectly!
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