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Thursday, July 2, 2009

don't forget to smile

One of my own found photos.
Have absolutely no idea where I took it.


That patented smiley face has hardwired one of those knee-jerk ughs in me. But here I like it, and I do smile... perhaps because it's unexpected and the bike is a bit grotty.

Suddenly something trite and worn becomes a little less so.

I have steadily –at first unconsciously but now intentionally– been putting myself on the anti-trite movement: write-what-you-mean and use-your-thesaurus (or your brain) kick. I've found myself in a morass of sophomoric language (ie., drivel) that I have created all by myself. (Also, I think I am getting crotchety in my old age.)

I think I've let my pictures do most of the talking and it's turned into a bad habit. Which means that certain words will be used on extremely rare occasions (by me) on my blog anymore, unless they're the words I really mean to write and are not subbing for something else just because I'm too lazy to think about what I'm trying to describe.

These words include, but are not limited to, the following: sweet, lovely, awesome, amazing, little (that's going to be a tough one), darling, fantastic, wonderful (another doozy), really, love. Should be interesting.


d smith kaich jones July 2, 2009 at 9:16 AM  

Must be a change in the air. I actually talked a bit about politics today. Just a bit, but still, it's against my own rules.

:) Debi

Chipmonkey July 2, 2009 at 9:27 AM  

Sweet! I'm glad this is your challenge and not mine because I think you are lovely, awesome and amazing. Your little chipmonkey couldn't be happier about having a darling friend that goes on fantastic and wonderful adventures with her. Really, I just love ya.

(That's right, I got them all in there and in order!)

Marilyn Miller July 2, 2009 at 9:54 AM  

I have noticed I use the same descriptive words too. I even made a list at one time (can't find it now) of words I used too much and words to add to the list. I do enjoy your words and pictures.

Anonymous July 2, 2009 at 10:04 AM  

i understand you wanting to flex your creative muscles but sometimes simple says it better. just make your point (or tell your story) and if it's good (and yours always are) then we'll love it either way.

Anonymous July 2, 2009 at 1:12 PM  

I try to let photographs speak for me. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words (that saying is so over used, I know) and given my spelling, I need to let the photos speak for me.

Char July 2, 2009 at 1:29 PM  

I overuse those words but I think that some of my other words sound too snobby - LOL it's always a dilemma

Yoli July 2, 2009 at 6:50 PM  

You, crotchety? A Scorpio who is crotchety?....why that never happens..(cough, cough).

I know what you mean about images taking over but at least they are your images, they are stunning and they speak volumes. I am not verbal like you, so I have to let poetry (not mine) take the center stage. Your blog is a always a treat, an intelligent, profound place which always leaves me thinking and sometimes laughing.

Love ya..later.

julochka July 3, 2009 at 3:19 AM  

i'm with you here, only i'd have to add gorgeous and actually to my list. we just get into word habits, don't we?

sometimes, tho', pictures do speak for us very well. and blogging has definitely pushed my photography, so i don't think it's so bad to let the pictures speak for us. once in awhile. :-)

Adan July 3, 2009 at 7:30 AM  

i went back and re-read this a few times.

oh my goodness...yes...you threw down the gauntlet on yourself!

go go go!!!!

Nancy Ewart July 3, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

You are certainly challenging yourself but in a good way. However, your photos often do "speak" for themselves and need no descriptive adjectives. They are perfect in themselves. As for you - well, sweet, lovely, awesome, amazing, fantastic, wonderful and fabulous doesn't even begin to describe it.

Holly July 3, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

I've been trying to reform my use of "love" for a little while now. It's gratifying.

Relyn Lawson July 5, 2009 at 10:58 PM  

I can agree with almost all of it. Maybe not lovely - too wonderful a word. Also, please, please don't start saying you "heart" something. Please?

Laura Doyle July 7, 2009 at 1:07 PM  

That will most certainly be difficult. I've set up a new creative thought mode for myself as well, although it's almost opposite. I'm trying to be more simple. We're funny. : )