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Monday, October 15, 2007

Drumroll, Please

And the winner of my first official poll, "Who Would You Rather Dance Tango With?" is...

Gorgeous Paul Newman.

But it was a squeaker. 6 votes for Newman, 5 votes for Redford. So, Eva, what does this mean about which side of the brain we use?

I do think they work well as a matched set, though:

Maybe that's called using both sides of the brain!
Okay, back to the salt mines...


Eva October 21, 2007 at 4:14 PM  

Tangobaby, they are both equally fine gentlemen indeed! I still think Redford is a little yummier. (maybe it's because I can't think of yummy Newman without thinking about popcorn nowadays.) Just as I'd predicted, looks like the right brain is winning by 50% for us tango dancers.