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Friday, December 7, 2007


Picture this:

The room, walls painted in dark deep red and gold, walls hung with drapes, twinkly lights from the ceiling (great decorating job, Tom!)

DJing by Homer, with a wonderful mix of old favorites and new music that was intriguing and exciting to dance to.

Rain pounding down outside, some windows open so you could hear the droplets hitting the pavement and the cars making those swooshy rain sounds on the street. Hard rain sometimes, like Singing in the Rain kind of downpour. Standing by the open window to get a mist of rainwater on your face to cool off once in a while.

A new dress, kimono-style and silky, in brown, red, pink and cream. With a brown sash. Red shoes. Nude fishnets. Sicily perfume. Sparkly bracelet, curly hair and my favorite: long lashes!

Ms. Tango Hours and time for a little catch up, and some hugs. Ladies I don't know who smiled at me while I was dancing. I could feel their smiles on me.

TWO Tango Angels! Confidently lead volcadas. Subtle caricias.

Driving home in the pouring rain with the window open.

Listening to my favorite car tango:

Feeling so alive!


studio wellspring December 7, 2007 at 11:40 AM  

sounds truly magical! {just like you}. only one week left of my class-conflict with the la pista milonga.....swoon!

tangobaby December 7, 2007 at 11:42 AM  

I'm saving you a seat...but you knew that already.


Malevito December 7, 2007 at 6:41 PM  

Ah, all this and yet you left early.

You missed--

Birthday vals with the lady in red...

Homer following Cristina (with embellishments)...

Homer and Adrian trading lead and follow...

Glenn's funky milonga...

C gliding effortlessly with Guille and Homer...

I and R interpreting a *gorgeous* Di Sarli tanda (the second to last of the evening)...

tangobaby December 7, 2007 at 9:13 PM  

Dear Malevito,

Maybe if I had known you were there, I would have stayed later! I left at 11:30...


Actually, my feet still are sore today, and I am sleepy. I don't know how you all do it and still get to work in the morning.

I will take a rain check for next Thursday...even if it isn't raining. But it sounds like the great evening was great for all! Thank you for the update.


A Cuban In London December 4, 2008 at 4:47 AM  

(smile). Now I know what you meant. Gotan has been on my radar for a long time. Heard them first on Radio Paradise and have not looked back. You're right, they're better to be listened to than to be danced to.

Greetings from London.