When You Need More Than a Belt to Keep Your Pants Up
I'm just asking: Is there something wrong about this picture? (Besides that it is blurry. Sorry about that.)
I was not raised as a Christian, but I'm can't help wondering if the best place for Jesus is on a belt buckle. It just doesn't seem very polite to me.
Now that I've addressed an important issue, I will confess to you that I played hooky today (again) because they were annoying the hell out of me yesterday (again). I might be a great Girl Friday but it doesn't mean they don't drive me up a fashionably decorated, aesthetically appealing wall sometimes.
I am not sure when exactly my Muse Certification is coming from Mount Olympus, but I hope it's soon.
I want you to know I used my hooky time wisely.
I finished a really awesome book, which was so riveting that I had to keep telling The Boy to be quiet and leave me alone so I could finish it. I know he thinks I am mean/antisocial. I normally don't read scary books, but I could not put this book down. And it's the author's first novel. He really hit this one out of the ballpark.
Then we took our hooky on the road.
I want to feel very special so please tell me that premium gas where you live is less than $4.19/gallon. I want to be proud of San Francisco for having the most expensive gasoline in the country.
We first went to Rosamunde's in the Lower Haight for sausages, which is where I saw the Jesus Belt Buckle in a nearby shop. And this one, too.
I feel like I might need to go back and buy the Jesus Belt Buckle (or the Jesus/Mary one) for my boss. Maybe it will stop his drama queen behavior and make him calm and considerate of others. If it works, I will probably need to buy several belt buckles for some of the others.
These photos below were taken in Memphis Minnie's across the street from Rosamunde's. I'm not an expert on barbeque, but I have to be very honest with you and tell you that the best things they do are the banana pudding and the sweet tea. And scent the air with pork.But the place is nothing if not humorous.
And I took a little Victorian house porn. Ha ha, made you look!The picture below is a portion of the Palace of Fine Arts, taken from the Letterman Digital Arts Center (George Lucas's new little hideaway).
I think my best shot of the day was this little pink chickadee, practicing her walking on a wooden bench on a hilltop in the Presidio overlooking the bay. Thank goodness for my zoom lens--I can take pictures of adorable children without their parents thinking I am a stalker.
My photgraphic breakthrough came today when I finally learned how to use the super macro function on my camera. So I did what anyone would do--take a picture of his/her eye. (Hey, it's my day off.)
I have a feeling that this new knowledge might make me go a little macro crazy and I'll need to get myself an electron microscope next because I can't see amoebas or atoms with this thing.
A Good and Happy Child sounds great. I've always loved a good horror story (refer to Union in Part Three of my blog.
Also love your Victorian house porn, especially the second shot.
Looks like you had a lovely day off...and while barbecue and I don't often get along (vegetarianism does that to you, sadly), the idea of sweet tea has me dreaming...
Oh, TB. Beware of macro-mania. It's more powerful than a Dryer vacuum cleaner...
On our Inca Trail hike to Machu Picchu, I was pointing my lens down at the teeny weeny flowers clinging to the mountain wall....
Hi upfromthedeep,
I will let you borrow my copy. The saddest thing about a good book is when you finish it. You can never read it for the first time again.
Somehow the houses in the Haight call out to me so much more than anywhere else. Or maybe it's the sausages that draw me in. I don't know.
Hi Red Shoes,
I think you could do the banana pudding and forget all about the meat roasting. It's a date whenever you're up for it...you can tell me how this sweet tea compares to the tea in New Orleans.
Hi Johanna,
You are so funny! Did you see Machu Picchu at all? Or is your memory only of the tiny flowers in the rocks!
I will beware of the seduction of the macro. I don't know how long I'll be able to hold out, though.
I did, in fact, manage to tear myself away from the antennae of ants to look at the ruins...
Dear Johanna,
Well, that's good--although I'm sure the ants on Machu Picchu are much more interesting than regular American ants.
oooo ~ will you do a macro of my eye too? i am visualizing a beautiful eye montage..... i think you have really started something cool with that concept.
Hi Ms. Wellspring,
Of course! That sounds like a neat collage of images.
because of your playing hooky i now have a great new book to read!~ just the review got me a-scared. i can't wait. many thanks to the best gal friday.....
Hi Paris Parfait,
I kinda grew out of my scary book phase years ago, but this book is not one of those Dan Brown-type books. It's an intricate story and is very well told.
When you come out here, you have to let me take a picture of your beautiful kitty-kat green eye! Ms. Wellspring and I are going to start an eyeball macro photo collection.
Dear Octavine,
I hope you'll let me know when you're up at 1am, reading your book under the covers with a flashlight. ;-)
hola baby...my...what a beautiful eye you have, my dear!....
Hi Alex,
The better to see you with, my friend!
My best friend recently sent me some Jesus band aids (sticking plasters)! They tell me Jesus Heals. :)
Hi Super Kawaii Mama,
Welcome and thank you for reading my blog. And now I know what a sticking plaster is...we have Toy Story bandaids and bandaids shaped like slices of bacon and they seem to work well, too!
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