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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Next Job

I have decided that I need a promotion.

For many years, I have been employed in various incarnations of His Girl Friday. When people ask me what I do in my current position, I tell them that I am The Power Behind The Throne. And it's true, to some degree.

It's nice to be needed: to be the one your boss turns to when he needs an aspirin, a shot of vodka, a last-minute reservation or a little white lie for the client holding on Line #1. I give sage and considered advice when asked. I keep secrets. Not everyone is cut out to do that sort of thing.

I am an especially good Girl Friday because I often know when my boss needs these sorts of things before he even tells me. I even make him toast.

There's no dishonor in being a Girl Friday. But it can be mentally taxing to always be at the ready, anticipating every need before it is asked.

I was thinking that for my next job, instead of being needed, I would rather be adored.

I think I want to get a job as a muse.

Muses work all day long and then at night get together and dance. ~ Edgar Degas

Often the Muse will not respond to direct and logical requests. She must be lured in with the playful and gentle. ~ Jill Badonsky

I'll have to tweak my resume a little, but I don't think it will be too much of a leap from what I'm doing now. I just want more perks.

I think lounging around in diaphanous gowns, while being encouraging and wise--yet sometimes petulant and tempermental--would be a nice change of pace. And hopefully I'll get better vacation and medical.


No, in all seriousness, I've been thinking about some of the famous muses that I'm aware of who have inspired great artists to create masterpieces. What is it about some women that inspire such creativity and devotion in those that surround them? Is it love? It must be more than that.

I wish I knew. It must be wonderful.


Some images I've found to admire before going to sleep...

Hesiod and the Muse by one of my favorite painters, Gustave Moreau. If you go to Paris, you should visit his museum. It is one of my favorites.

The Muse at Sunrise by Alphonse Osbert.

Hesiod Listening to the Inspiration of the Muse by Edmond Aman-Jean.


studio wellspring May 1, 2008 at 10:11 AM  

that sounds like the perfect job description for you ~ & several other lovely women i know! maybe we should join forces and start a muse enterprise?

Maria May 1, 2008 at 4:38 PM  

Hum, this does sound like a dream job!!!!

Where can I apply? I would even be willing to be the Girl Friday of a muse...

Relyn Lawson May 1, 2008 at 6:26 PM  


That's a job you already have. After all, a muse's job is to inspire other and look good while doing it. See? I told you it was a job you already had. Now, if we can only find a way to get you paid for it.

tangobaby May 2, 2008 at 10:29 AM  

Hi Ms. Wellspring,

Yeah, but do we have to go to Mount Olympus to get certified? Technically, we should be daughters of Zeus, I think.

Hi Paris Parfait,

I seem to do it anyway...

I LOVE that still. It condenses the whole movie into a wonderful moment. Rosalind Russell is my dream girl in that movie. I can't get enough of her.

Hi La Tanguera,

I am totally hiring you to be my Girl Friday when I get my muse job. I've read your blog for a long time now and I know you are a super hard worker. It would also be very nice for me to have an assistant who can help me with my dancing.


Hi Relyn,

Well, you are always full of good ideas so I know you will come up with something for me.


Anonymous May 2, 2008 at 11:49 AM  

Personally, I have good reason to believe that you are but a short step away from what you want.

tangobaby May 2, 2008 at 2:42 PM  

Hi upfromthedeep,

You know, I was thinking the same thing.


Unknown May 5, 2008 at 11:26 PM  

my dear, you have that job already...

Mary-Laure May 6, 2008 at 10:44 AM  

I love that movie! Well, anything with Cary Grant.

It would be great to read more about muses...

By the way: I met Pia in Amsterdam! She's as cool as you said she was; I posted about her on my blog.

tangobaby May 6, 2008 at 12:49 PM  

Dear Octavine,

You think? But who am I "musing" to? :-)

They have to tell me so I know it's working.

Dear Mary-Laure,

Have you seen The Awful Truth? That may be my favorite Cary Grant movie. Now, you must tell me who Pia in Amsterdam is because I don't know! But I am very intrigued.


P May 6, 2008 at 1:40 PM  

I am loving this post. When you figure out your career as a muse, will you tell us how it's done so we can all quit our jobs? xxoo, P.

tangobaby May 7, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

Dear p,

Of course I will! Based on what I've read of you, I think you will make a most excellent Muse.


PS. Didya see I added you to my blogroll under Sassy Women? Just the name of your blog makes me smile.

Anonymous May 16, 2009 at 10:08 AM  


I have actually been a muse to a painter, musician, songwriter, novelist and poet. It's a very hard job being adored. dmr

La Francophile

Anonymous May 16, 2009 at 10:09 AM  


I have actually been a muse to a painter, musician, songwriter, novelist and poet. It's a very hard job being adored. dmr

La Francophile

Anonymous May 16, 2009 at 10:17 AM  

By~the~way that should have been mdr as in...

mdr: French version of the expression LOL, from the initials of "mort de rire" that roughly translated means "dying of laughter".