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Sunday, November 1, 2009

A High CALIBER Event!

The tallest, cutest Sorcerer's Apprentice you ever saw.


Boy, our photo walk was really awesome. I think Troy, Stuart, Brad and I were a wee bit surprised at how many people showed up. It made us feel terrific.

Thanks to all of you who joined us. I know we'll be doing this again, hopefully soon!

Here's a little peek
at what I saw, but you can get the entire party picture on CALIBER, of course.


Louis Duke Photography November 1, 2009 at 12:19 PM  

mmmm! Sounds amazing! I really missed reading your blog while I was away. I hope you are doing well!

MELI. November 1, 2009 at 4:52 PM  

this is awesome, like I said - im all ears (and eyes) for next one!!
cheers! -meli