I'm Off to Babyville

Just kidding. I'm not really flying on the X-1 tomorrow morning. That's just a fantasy remnant from watching and reading The Right Stuff often when I was a kid.
However, it would be super damn cool to go Mach 1 instead of flying coach. There just aren't enough lifetimes, are there?
So I'm off to Little Curly Girl Land and the Kingdom of Incredibly Cute Babydom where, apparently, LCG is going to teach me ballet. So you might not see or hear from me for a few days (except for the book drawing--I'll find a way), but that doesn't mean I don't love you.
Catch you on the other side of the sound barrier.
Hey, have fun, loads of fun! :-D
Greetings from London.
The Right Stuff.
One of my alltime best movies Ev-eR.
Ah, Sam Shepard ... drool ...
Have a lovely little curly girlie baby time!
haha, this was a great post tangobaby! enjoy the pli'e-ing and curtsying about the babydom kingdom. and God bless Chuck Yeager lol
And here I thought this was your way of announcing a pregnancy...
HAVE FUN! Is there anything in the world better than being an auntie? (You can't see me, but I stepped away from the computer for a second to jump up and down in ecstatic, wholehearted joy.)
Enjoy, Tango girly! What cuteness!!! xoxxo
LCG needs some Tangobaby in the audience!!! LCG's love performing. I have two LCG's, they adore an audience.
Have such fun and see you on the flipside!
Yea!! Have fun. Can't wait for more pictures.
I'm celebrating my birthday today and you're more than welcome to pop by my blog for a relaxed and chill-out jam session on piano, guitar and vocals.
Greetings from London.
Have a great time and see you in a few days :-)
YES! Do learn ballet, and tell me ALL about it...
You must share your new dance moves. Can't wait to hear all about it. ; )
dammit dammit dammit.
i missed your birthday...i missed this...
dammit. and sorry. and happy birthday. and i've enjoyed the hell out of your posts i've missed.
so many swear words. eek. xoxo.
Hi guys!
I got back late last night, with lots of memories and some adorable photos. I miss my little girlies terribly today.
But thank you for the lovely send off! I was away from a computer for FOUR whole days. I tell ya, that's a new one for me!
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