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Friday, September 7, 2007

Sisters of the Spirit

Well, not those kind exactly.

I am very fortunate to have two kinds of sisters: my incredibly fabulous baby sister who I have loved since the day she was born (perhaps with a tiny bit of moderation during some of the teenage years), and a growing community of women who are my confederates and confidantes in the world of the dance.

Last night I was feeling particularly lucky because I got to meet one of my inspirations in person, Ms. Tango Hours, at La Pista. She fairly sparkles with joy, and is petite, elegant and completely charming. The night was not nearly long enough to bask in her company. And through her I met two other lovely ladies whom I'm sure I'll enjoy being with again, a bonus!

Last night made me realize how many special people (particularly women) that I have had the very good fortune to meet because, once upon a time, I decided to start learning Argentine Tango. It also made me realize that when you have a sisterhood of the spirit, all triumphs and beautiful moments are shared. My sister's good fortune is my own. When she is happy, I am happy for her.

So for today, here are my thoughts on this Sisterhood of Tango (feel free to add your own to the list!):

We rejoice to see our sisters looking fabulous on the dance floor.

We jubilate when they have a breakthrough in their dancing technique.

We celebrate their newest shoe purchases and do not covet.

We revel in their bliss and thus share a little bit with them.

We commiserate when they've been hurt.

We give thanks that there are such kindred spirits in the world, and how fortunate are we when we find them!


Colbay September 7, 2007 at 5:28 PM  

Oh, sweets. That photo made me laugh; it's so perfect. That kind of exuberance is what I want to feel around the people in the tango scene, all the time. Thanks for taking us one step closer.

Anonymous September 7, 2007 at 5:40 PM  

This picture made my day! Thank you! And bless you for your Tango Sisterhood Blessings!! Amen indeed.

Anonymous September 8, 2007 at 1:33 PM  

tangobaby dear, you are a goddess, on and off the dancefloor. kisses!

Anonymous September 8, 2007 at 5:44 PM  

Well said!
Here's to the Tango Sisterhood ;-)

tangobaby September 10, 2007 at 10:24 PM  

Thank you all, dear Tango Sisters! Sometimes these posts really do just write themselves. Wishing we were all at a milonga together right now...

Unknown September 12, 2007 at 5:08 AM  

This made me cry! I need a tango sisterhood. Most of my tango friends are men, and wonderful as they are, that's just not the same thing. As much as I love tango (and I do, completely, obsessively), I often find it emotionally very hard, and I feel very much in need of this kind of support to remind me that all is well, and that a mistake isn't the end of the world.

tangobaby September 12, 2007 at 10:28 AM  

Dear Kate,

The sisterhood is universal...you are always with us, wherever in the world you are dancing. Share your stories and thoughts with us on whatever blogs you like and that way we will be in your mind and you will be in ours. Or email me. My sisters range from New York to LA and destinations beyond!


studio wellspring November 15, 2007 at 12:45 PM  

how lovely & inspiring you are in so many, many ways, tangobaby. i adore your sentiments and am so grateful to have been introduced to this enchancting world by you.

tangobaby November 15, 2007 at 3:27 PM  

Of all the things I've ever done, learning and dancing tango is probably the one that that brings me the most happiness and fulfillment.

And by extension, the most delightful friends and companions, including you, Ms. Wellspring!
