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Friday, August 3, 2007

The Queen of Embellishment

Embellishments are my tango fixation at the moment. The dainty, sexy flourishes that make some tangueras the stars of the dance floor. When I watch other women dance, I can't help but watch for their embellishments.

I am at an impasse regarding embellishments. I feel comfortable enough now to follow most of what I am lead (or maybe that's just my impression) and technically I know that I should be able to add these lovely movements when I want to. I know most of the songs I dance to, and most of my dance partners are familiar to me.

But I freeze up...and instead, do nothing! How do I break the embellishment barrier? I'm a little bored with myself.

I've heard of Jennifer before and seen her advice column. I just discovered her tutorials on YouTube, which have inspired me even more, although I know I will need something more than a video to make me feel like I can do these moves and not look like a klutz.

Jennifer's skills are impressive and her moving feet (and shoes!) are gorgeous! I'm hooked!

She also has a written tutorial outling the basic do's and don'ts of embellishments, a nice feature.