Time Out

Community: All different but all help each other get the fruit from the tree.
Ain't that the truth?!
Holy moly. What a week! We got our little story on SFist, Eye on Blogs, KGO News (thank you again, Carolyn Tyler!), we were tweeted and facebooked and tumblr-ed oodles of times, we got City Hall a little riled up, and goodness only knows what else.
You guys have been fantastic. You are living proof that this world is a wonderful place, full of people who care. You care a lot.
Your support of K and the kids has been mind-blowing. My inbox is so out of control that I can't even deal with it right now. But I'm totally happy with that because you have shared your best: your hearts all in the right places. I wish I could reply to each and every one of you. Some day I will. It might take me weeks but gosh darn it, I will.
Because you were there for me.
Just so you know, K and the kids are all set for the weekend, whether or not a shelter comes through next week, thanks to you. So they're happy and I'm happy. And hopefully we will have some progress to report next week.
But today is The Boy's birthday and it's his turn for a little well-deserved attention and some TLC.
You guys enjoy yourselves and I'll catch up with you in a few. But please do visit another wonderful blog who has been very supportive of K and her family's story, helpamotherout.org. I wrote a guest post for them today.
Glad to hear K and family are safe for the weekend. Will keep praying for a permanent resolution for her. My heart is filled with joy at the outpouring of love here on your blog. You are awesome!
Sending positive vibes.
So exciting to hear about the level of support for K and her children! I feel relieved that they are in a safe and warm environment!
Btw, the link to helpamotherout.org is not working.
Sending positive energy your way, always!
tell the boy happy birthday and to be sure to take his meds. :-) i can see why you feel overwhelmed, so enjoy your well-deserved little break!
Hi again.
Here are a couple of people to contact about helping K and her family get off the streets:
Yvette Robinson
Director of Tenant Services
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp.
Don Falk
Executive Director
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp.
Actually, you may want to contact Don Falk first, and when you do, tell him it was I who suggested that you talk with him. I have a four year working relationship with him and some of the folks at TNDC and I think they might very well prove helpful to you. Their website is at http://www.tndc.org/index.html.
Best regards,
happy positive thoughts and happy birthday to the boy. give him lots of big kisses and take some well deserved rest.
Great thing you've been doing here! Your heart's in the right place for certain! Wish there were more ways to help.
Tell The Boy Happy Earthday. Glad to hear K and the family have a little happiness.
Happy Birthday to the boy. May you both have a fantastic, fun filled day.
Happy Birthday, young man! :)
Thank YOU for getting involved. Take your time. Lord knows we'll be patiently waiting----ready to leap out of quiet corners when summoned.
Have a great day!
Tell The Boy I said happy birthday! Enjoy your time with him and take some well-deserved moments to relax!
you are an amazing woman!
wow this is awesome! i did a post on K when you did, linking to your site. i'm so glad the troops are out!
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