One of the wonderfully sweet things about The Boy is that he is always coming up with little fun surprise-y things to do. He also does my laundry and makes my bed. Yes, I am totally spoiled. I know it.
When I came back from Venice, he had arranged three little purple orchids on my night table. And had made my bed with freshly laundered sheets.
He also told me that he got us tickets to Teatro ZinZombie, a special Halloween production of Teatro ZinZanni, one of our favorite things to see in SF when we're feeling flush.
Teatro ZinZanni is one part dinner, one part cabaret show and one part Cirque de Soleil. You have a great meal while watching a wildly creative musical circus show with world-class acrobats, jugglers and people who do crazy things on trapezes and ropes right above your head while you're eating dinner. It's really hard to describe how cool it is. All the action takes place in an antique circus tent from the 1800s.

When I was in Venice, I ended up buying a gorgeous Harlequin mask covered in multi-colored velvet, the eyes lined with golden sequins and sporting a sumptuous periwinkle-blue flower made of feathers on the side. I wasn't going to buy the mask, and it was really too expensive, but Nuit already had one picked out for herself and the excitement was too contagious in the little shop. Plus, the mask was so perfect for me that I had to get it. But I still had a little buyer's remorse, until today.
Now I have a great place to wear the mask on Halloween! Maybe I'll win the costume contest...hmm...
When did you start going to Teatro ZinZanni? A friend of mine did the Vertical Tango for a season there.
I've been three times now over that past two years. And the Vertical Tango has been in each show, with the same couple. So maybe it's a permanent part of the show? I went to their website. The woman is Swiss? Is that your friend?
They're so lovely and strong and sensual together. Very athletic and graceful with a strong tango vibe. I was looking for a youtube video to post of their act but there isn't any. It's hard to explain the routine but it really is jaw-dropping.
No, my friend is Argentine, and he left the US about 2 years ago. He only did one season with them. When I come up to visit, we'll do that AND Beach Blanket Babylon...
Oh, this guy is American. I think these two may be married.
I have to admit I've never been to BBB! What kind of San Franciscan am I turning out to be? I would love to go with you! The only thing I won't do with you is go to Alcatraz.
So when are you coming up?
Hi. I work at TZ Seattle and get a google alert every day when Teatro ZinZanni is mentioned. I just wanted to fill you in on Sam and Sandra (the Vertical Tango). Yes, they are married, and I agree their act steals the show. They were in our show back in February.
Have fun tonight at ZinZombie! I think we'll have to steal that idea next year. ;o)
Hi Tim!
Well, you have a very fun job! Thank you so much for the information about Sam and Sandra in time for the performance tonight. I've seen them three times in SF, and as you and I both agree, they steal the show.
I wish there was some video online somewhere of their performance. I think that they would develop a whole new following with a very avid tango community worldwide. The tango dancers I know would fall in love with them!
Thanks for reading! I'll be sure to give a report of our fun evening tonight.
PS. If I am ever in Seattle (hey Tina!) I will definitely see the show up there, too.
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