
On all the crap I learned in high school
It's a wonder
It's a wonder
I can think at all
And though my lack of education
Hasn't hurt me none
Hasn't hurt me none
I can read the writing on the wall
They give us those nice bright colors
They give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So mama dont take my kodachrome away
"Kodachrome," Paul Simon
We have been having some sort of crazy heat wave here. The sweat running down your back, sweat in your eyes burning, top of the head sunburn in 10 minutes kind of weather. For San Francisco, this is really freaky. I moved here to get away from this kind of weather. I like wearing a coat in May.
This song was playing on the radio this morning after I got out of the shower. It really made me happy, where I even forgot about the heat that was already making my hair dry before I could style it. I love this song--it reminds me of being a kid and running through the sprinklers after school and tearing down the street after the ice cream truck to get a Fudgesicle.
Despite the temperature yesterday, I did play a little outside when I could. Somehow life is a little more colorful when the midday sun is blazing. Here's my take on "Kodachrome." (I wonder how many people even remember what that is?!)

Mission Street
Market Street
Duboce Park
Lower Haight
Lower Haight
Lower Haight
Sunset... in The Sunset.
Stay cool, my friends. Go play in the sprinklers.
Anyone over 30, TB :-)
Thanks for the trip through the sprinklers.
Well! Your gorgeous images have certainly captured the spirit of that wonderful song (long a favorite of mine, as is Graceland).
This is by far some of your very best photography.
these pics are great!
The first photo is an auspicious Chinese New Year calendar shot; so red, so bright, so much good fortunate showed in the photo.
The Chinatown in NY is less colorful. Or maybe I only go at night.
Keep shooting!(pictures, that is)
Those are excellent photos. Seems like you are going from great to greater.
fabulous photos, darling! i'd love to run thru sprinklers today ~ they were going strong at union square when i walked by at 7:45 this morning and it was all i could do not to put a foot in.
Amazing shots!
It's rainy and cold here :(
Hi Johanna,
Yes, that would be me. I hope enjoyed your Fudgesicle, too.
Hi upfromthedeep,
As soon as I heard that song--bang!--I knew I had my post for the day...too bad my editor wouldn't let me leave early. ;-)
Thank you for the compliment. I get so excited to get feedback!
Hi Greg,
I took some more dog pics at Duboce Park and thought of you. I'm glad you liked my photos.
Hi TP,
Of course, you knew this post was really for you, didn't you? I have more Chinatown pictures that I have to put in a set for you. I think you'll really like them.
I bet your Chinatown is just as colorful. Go check it out for me. Or come see me and we can buy some crickets. ;-)
Hi b,
Thank you so much! Wow. Now I'm going to be even more inspired to go out there and see what me and my Kodachrome will find.
Hi Ms. Wellspring,
If I had been with you, I would have talked you into going into the sprinklers. I think we should go to the fountain at the Legion of Honor and get our feet wet.
Hi p,
I was just reading about how you are a Tall Pear and here you are reading about how San Francisco is on fire. Isn't that just so funny!
I hope things warm up where you are. You can have some of our sunshine! Please!
Oh, and thank you for the compliment.
gorgeous, gorgeous photos...you capture the city perfectly my dear. i especially love the sunset in the sunset. the colors are spectacular, makes you think all the world is a sunny day indeed. (by the way, this song also makes me break out in spontaneous smile as does "the only living boy in new york"--yet another similarity!~ (oh, and it's 99 degrees here in portland!)
Very good photos.
Oh. As someone who loves San Francisco dearly, I say thank you for these pictures. It brought back a lot of fine memories.
"I like wearing a coat in May" -Me too! And when indoors I need to have my housecoat. I'm lost without it.
Terrific photos! I love this post. My computer is broken so am mooching off my parents late at night because I couldn't stand to be away any longer. What a nice post to stop by for. Happy weekend!
Dear Octavine,
I'm so glad you loved the photos...perhaps someday I will see a beautiful SF-inspired Octavine Illustration? Created while under the influence of Paul Simon?
I'm happy to report that the fog has returned home. I hope that Portland's weather has come to its senses as well!
Dear Phivos,
Not as beautiful as Cyprus, but at least we are very colorful!
Dear TheElementary,
I'm glad to know that my photos are making you smile...as I know you are quite far from the City by the Bay. Someday you will come back here and enjoy wearing your coat in the summer.
Dear Relyn,
We cannot have it that your computer is broken. The blogosphere will be deprived of some lovely writing and photos.
Wishing healing thoughts for your computer and a happy weekend to you, too.
Fantastic intense coloursª
Dear Miss Tango,
Ha ha! That is cute. Yes.
I have just decided that "colours" looks much more interesting and educated than "colors."
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