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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hat Head

Tip: If you want someone to pay you an enthusiastic compliment, wear a cute hat.

It never fails.

I'll tell you more later, but I have to get back to for the evening installment of Day 2 of the San Francisco Silent Film Festival.

With hat. More hats here.


Relyn Lawson July 12, 2008 at 10:04 PM  

This is wonderful. Do tell us more. Soon. Happy weekend.

My Castle in Spain July 13, 2008 at 10:36 AM  

I totally agree about the hat...
Have a great time at the Silent film festival..!


christina July 13, 2008 at 11:49 AM  

Oh my, you love hats too? Can't wait to hear more.

Liz July 13, 2008 at 12:07 PM  

beautiful hat... I have always aspired to being a hat person, but the size of my noggin has pretty much ruled that out, unless I become a hat maker and make hats to fit myself all those women out there who have pumpkin heads... like mine BUT, oh what a great hat that is for a silent film festival!

Mary-Laure July 13, 2008 at 12:58 PM  

I absolutely agree. I wear lots of hats and they never fail to earn me smiles and compliments.

Anonymous July 14, 2008 at 6:33 AM  

Gorgeous! Are they silk flowers... love the sepia tone. Very cute.

studio wellspring July 14, 2008 at 8:45 AM  

ah so pretty! and dang talented. not only can you take gorgeous photos of other people, but also of yourself. impressive & inspiring!

tangobaby July 14, 2008 at 4:19 PM  

Hi Relyn,

I will tell you more soon, promise. I have so much to digest before I can figure out the words...it was a great festival.

Hi paris parfait,

More and more I am realizing that I don't need an occasion to wear a hat, and wearing a hat makes an occasion of nothing!

Hi My Castle in Spain/Ms. Lala,

This is one of my special hats and it would look lovely someday with one of your lovely clothing creations. Keep me in mind for a future model and customer!

Hi christina,

Yes, hats. And gloves. Once I got this haircut, the hat thing really took off.

Hi Liz,

I think there is a hat style for everyone (and short of sounding like a fashion editor from McCall's 1946), there are some really amazing milliners on etsy (whom I covet) who make beautiful custom hats. Maybe a fun place to look and have something special made just for you...

This designer in particular I covet:


Hi Mary-Laure,

The perfect answer from my smart Parisian girl! One of my favorite hats I bought a few years ago at the Bon Marche.

Hi Christie,

It's silk ribbon thats kind of twirled about. They are not formal flowers, but ideas of flowers. The silk is dyed in very pretty colors from mauve to grey.

Thank you!

Hi Ms. Wellspring,

I feel that I am my own worst subject and most pictures of me get instantly deleted. Perhaps someday when I get a tripod I will be an easier photographic victim.

Mostly I was just waiting for The Boy to wake up from a nap, and I was bored, and out came the camera.


Anonymous July 23, 2008 at 11:59 PM  

Most of this has nothing to do with tango, Tangobaby.

tangobaby July 24, 2008 at 8:55 AM  

Dear Anonymous,

Thank you so much for sharing your keen intellect and powers of observation! Normally anonymous comments are somewhat shallow and annoying, but not yours!

You have noticed that my entire blog is not fantatically devoted to tango! Wow.

Based on your comment, I have decided to completely change gears and write only about tango .

Until I ramp up and make this an All-Tango, All-the-Time blog, I suggest that you start reading some of the other tango blogs on the sidebar, where you'll find much more tango and less disappointment...or better yet, start your own blog!

Until then, I'll write about whatever I damn please, including hats. Thanks.