Now, what are the chances?
I've cried myself to sleep at night because of you. She's got you now. She wants you very badly doesn't she? She's willing to run away with you and keep on running and ruin everything for herself. But she wouldn't care because she'd be with you and that's what she wants. Well she doesn't have you now. She'll never have you. Nobody will ever have you! And that's the way I want it! You're nothing but an escaped convict. Nobody knows what you wrote down. They'll believe me! They'll believe me! ~ Madge Rapf from Dark Passage
Anyway, unbeknownst to The Boy and me until just the other day, one of the cable cars that Bogart rode on in the film is still in use and is, in fact, inscribed with the details inside the cable car.
As soon as The Boy and I heard that, we were impassioned to find that cable car and see for ourselves. But how to find it? There are many cable cars and many lines.
So today, I had to take the Powell Street car to my photo shoot (and later experienced the demise of my beloved PowerShot). About halfway up the hill, I remembered about Bogie and the cable car and looked up... and wouldn'tcha know it... right there! Look!
Now, what are the chances of that?! I don't think anyone else on the cable car even saw it, up above the cable car brakeman's head. It was my crazy cool start to a very exciting day.
Damn, I love this city.
That's noir amazing.
I wonder who wrote the inscription?
It's not chance, it's a sign the Universe is giving you that you're on the right path. Forge on! :)
Yeah! I love the cheerful sound of your words....
How lucky for you! I wonder, too, who carved the message into the wood.
That's so cool, and I am a little jealous.
it's like the ghost of Bogie was whispering in your ear. It's Kizmet!
I have taken tourists to the filbert Street steps many times. Congratulations on the synchronicity.
how can you not love a crazy city when something like that happens?
Wow! That is one of the coolest stories I've heard. Congrats on finding it and getting a shot!
Oh I love that! I think your city loves you as much as you love it!
How awesome is that? I have nothing witty to say...just sharing your surprise and elation at the brief victory over the odds. : D
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