Well, that makes Monday a little nicer!
Muchas gracias to eagle-eyed Ms. Johanna for telling me about it... I didn't even know the photo was there.
Happy happy. I hope your day is full of little surprises (nice ones only) today, too.
Happy happy. I hope your day is full of little surprises (nice ones only) today, too.
Kudos!!! It's a brilliant photo.
It's so beautiful and so worthy!
Congratulations! Great news!
Congrats, my friend! You so deserve this. ; ) I don't think I have seen this one. Love it!
Congratulations... it's a great photo :-)
There are some badass photos over at the Sisters of the Heavenly Shutter - yours not least among them. This one: Audubon-Mag-worthy. My favorite treatment of this shot is the one that sits above the Elizabeth Bowen quote in your earlier post. Really beautiful.
Here's to more lovely, little surprises.
YAY ... congratulations ...
Bravo!! The photo is wonderful...! An award is such a great spirit lifter, enjoy it Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.....!
that is an amazing photo tangobaby. congratulations and i hope you blew on it to make a wish!
This is just a beautiful shot - so, so glad you got some extra recognition for it.
Although I think it's making me sneeze. Truly. There I go again.
Yes, that's how good this is! :)
So well deserved! Congratulations!
What kind of camera did you use?
Dave, I have a Canon PowerShot S5 IS. And a little help from Lightroom 2.
First the Daily Click and now BLOG of Mention!! HOW are you doing it?!?! ;) You must be REALLY smart!! :)
Michelle, I guess the only other things that could happen to me in the next day or so are that I get a call from Oprah to be on her show, or from PE Obama to serve in his cabinet.
Or, on the flip side, my fifteen minutes/seconds of fame will be over starting...tomorrow!
girl! this shot is beyond worthy! it's beeeeeautiful!
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