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Friday, November 2, 2007

Ready? Set?...Read!

Hi everyone!

The Tao of Tango Book Club was not a figment of your imagination. (Okay, so we're off to a little bit of a late start but I'd like to go easy on this type of extra-curricular education anyway. Plus, we've got lives and dancing to do, too, right?)

My idea behind the book club was pretty simple: A few months ago I'd purchased The Tao of Tango and was having a really enjoyable time reading it and thinking about it. I wanted to have some fellow dancers to talk with about the ideas in the book, which brings us to this post.

Since this is a virtual salon, everyone is welcome to participate and jump in at any time. To keep things simple, I will start us off with a reading selection every couple of weeks, and you can feel free to comment at any time. You can also comment on past readings, too, as sometimes our ideas need to percolate a bit before they're ready to share. And of course, you don't need to have the book to participate, even though you might want to. Hopefully the running commentary will give you enough information that you can add your thoughts, too, if you'd like to. We don't want anyone to feel left out.

And best of all, we have our author, Johanna, who will be adding her voice to the conversation as well. How many book clubs get their own author, too?!

So, all of that being said, let's start reading!


For our first installment, let's concentrate on the Preface and Chapter 1: The First Step.

Although these chapters are short (which is ideal for us in this venue), there is a lot of food for thought.

I will be posting a brief summary of points in the next day or so to kick off the conversation and then let's all join in and chat!