I'm Stalling

(Tell me that you wake up at 2am with ideas of things to write too.)
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to physically connect my brain to my keyboard that late, so I had a glass of Ovaltine and finally finally watched Breathless.
I am officially in love with French New Wave.
Jean Seberg looked so incredible. It's really hard for me to concentrate on a movie sometimes if the actress's makeup is compelling. I end up studying the look and not paying attention to the story. I am dying to do her eyeliner, but I don't think I can pull it off unless I do lashes too.
See, I told you it was a stall post.
But I'll have more later, once I get past the eyeliner thing. I'm going out with a new blogging friend (!) to walk the Mission, take photos and eat ice cream so perhaps an adventure will develop soon.
Happy Sunday!
Image from stylehighclub.
I always trek to her resting place when I am in Paris...
I have a question for you. I have the kind of eyes that don't exist in magazines or ads for eye-makeup; eyes that don't show the lids at all when they are open. Can you show me anyone with eyes like mine who actually looks glamorous without pretending to be half asleep?
Breathless...I still haven't seen that all of the way through!!
Have a great Sunday :-)
I'm adding Breathless to my Netflix queue~!
Ah..la nouvelle vague ! it was our credo at highschool.I love your choices of movies !
"Le Mépris" (Contempt) is my favorite Godard movie.
oh..you're having a lovely sunday i can tell!
Hi b,
Why am I not surprised?! You're such a romantic.
Hi ms. hedgehog,
Let me think about that...I will come up with some ideas for you and get back to you, okay?
Hi carol,
I think you have to be in the mood for it...but when you are, you'll like it.
Sunday is almost over. The weekend went by so fast!
Hi willow,
You can see where a lot of directors got their inspiration from in this film. The cinematography, the characters, the story...it must have been very controversial when it came out.
Hi lala!
I don't think we have Contempt, but I will look for it. And I still want to watch the Almadovar movies you recommended.
I just watched Jules et Jim recently and liked it too. We could have quite a movie party, me and you.
you always seem to stretch my eyelids fresh with new charm. i am so ignorant to film and so i come to you for learning. i am always happy with what i've learned. : )
i like the eyebrows too. i have good eyebrows but bad lashes. i went to the link of a previous post you did on eye lashes....did you end up linking your site to the nail-art salon? just asking........
yes. 2am....3am...and especially 5:30am. i am always thinking of ideas.
this post made me smile.
ovlaltine and jean seberg smoking a cigarette and looking haughtily gorgeous.
and who is your new blog friend?! introduce us please.
hi sarah,
I'm happy to share some ideas, of course, and if you enjoy them too, then I'm doubly glad. Did you try your tea yet?
Hi robin bird,
No, I'm afraid I did not link to the nail art blog. Although I did consider it (not).
The day I learned to do fake eyelashes was probably one of the happiest days of my life (in a very superficial and fantastic way). It's nice to be able to shift things into high gear once in a while. I'd be happy to give you some eyelash tips. Sometimes just a little tweak or a different product makes all the difference.
I appreciate the ideas flowing into my head in the wee hours, but it sure makes getting up for work interesting.
namastenancy is my blog friend. she's around here somewhere...
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