Oh, for crying out loud!
What is the difference between this?
The monolith from the beginning of 2001: A Space Odyssey
and this
The monolith from the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey
and this
A giant stick of butter that fell off of my spatula (don't ask) and now is wedged between my refrigerator and the stove?
And I can't reach it?!
I am looking at this freaking miniature monolith of butter back there and all I can do is laugh and picture myself as a Stanley Kubrick monkey getting all pissed off and throwing a bone in the sky.

Boy, I wish I could reach that butter. And it's Plugra too. Damn, that sh*t's expensive.
Does this mean I'm going to evolve into the Star-Child soon? Because maybe then I'll figure out how to get the butter. *sigh*
ps.: Just so you know, this wasn't the post I had intended to write, but I'm very distracted and certainly not very evolved right now.

and this

and this

And I can't reach it?!
I am looking at this freaking miniature monolith of butter back there and all I can do is laugh and picture myself as a Stanley Kubrick monkey getting all pissed off and throwing a bone in the sky.

Boy, I wish I could reach that butter. And it's Plugra too. Damn, that sh*t's expensive.
Does this mean I'm going to evolve into the Star-Child soon? Because maybe then I'll figure out how to get the butter. *sigh*
ps.: Just so you know, this wasn't the post I had intended to write, but I'm very distracted and certainly not very evolved right now.
What were you making?
Chicken curry and basmati rice. Yummy. I need that gopher we saw today so I can train it to go and get the butter.
The difference is that your butter isn't a topic of discussion at overpriced art schools all across the globe. Just as relevant thou.
Two broom like handles upside down with a swath of duct tape between them to scoop the "butterlith". If you're trying to "save" it put a paper towel on the tape. Afterwards you can use more papertowels on the ends of the handles to wipe up any mess.
I'm sure this will work because my word verification is "triate"
...And because I am a problem solver (or have evolved into one) All I can think about is, How to get the butter out.... I want to give you a great solution. Love the tile floor though.
Looks to me that the butter fell on one of the squares in Jack Chalker's Well of Souls planets.
Probably will cause a morphing shift in either Ant World or Roach World.
So watch out for praying bugs or tiny bones tossed in the air.
You can be the dispassionate god who simply watches.
I love the floor tiles, they are fab. Can you not just move the fridge? or you could duct tape a cup to the end of a yardstick (or such) and drag it out. Should save most of it.
I can't stop laughing. I love you woman.
lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz lulz (ad infinitum)
On the other hand, the bugs must be happy. To them, it's a real monolith. ;)
Of course it was Plugra - it couldn't have been Safeway brand. Curry just wouldn't taste right with Baconaise, so that's out. I'm so sorry about your predicament. Maybe Cuban in London can loan you a cricket bat.
btw, I'm too chicken to be interviewed by you. You have way too much insider info on me :-)
Oh, TB. Plugras???!!! My heart aches for you.
For heaven's sake, get the plunger! Doesn't the plunger fix everything?
Oh come on, dutchbaby, let me interview you. I'll pretend like I don't know you.
And you know if you dropped butter between your fridge and the stove, which I know you can't, that you'll be dropping Plugra too.
And FYI to everyone, I didn't want to rescue the butter and reuse it. I think some of you thought I was trying to be extremely thrifty.
I did finally manage to remove the monolith although that photo is still cracking me up.
That butter photograph is so beautiful.
Our kitchen has black and white tiles....
doesn't the boy have long arms? send him in after the monolith of butter.
like the b&w floor, tho'
p.s. perhaps you can use a "trona" (my WV), which simply must be an implement for retrieving objects that are just out of reach.
This post is so great on so many levels! I cannot even find words to say how much I enjoyed it.
Of course, the butter landed there.. the yard stick works here for those sorts of mishaps..and the clean up is not pretty. Your blog makes my day....this was hilarious though probably not-so-much when the butter went splat! Beware of peanut and butter jelly sandwiches...!
omfg, that's hilarious!
well heck, now my all sage advice is rather useless and my wisdom regarding 2001 is...ehhhh
but man, I love that irish butter.
Only you could make a stick of butter look beautifully appetizing to a gym rat.... Ha!
You're too silly. Love it!
I didn't want to rescue the butter and reuse it.
Sorry, I admit my first thought was 'great floor'. And 'save the butter' was close on it's heels. Maybe I've been poor too long, ya think? ;)
I could also do with keeping extra butter around.
I tried to make some ziti at lunch yesterday and when I did the noodle test, it hopped gracefully from the fork and nestled itself in an equally inaccessible niche.
Which reminds me, when I was little, I used to fantasize about what it would be like to be able to morph into a tiny little creature (mouse, ant, etc.) that could explore all those dark and mysterious miniature places. It would be puzzling to come across your butter monolith.
oh gawd...hee hee hee....
honestly i was reading this post in my mail RSS links and thought it was an art show or something and that the butter wedged between the fridge and stove was the title of a 3D art piece! i'm all serious here. i was, for no reason what-so-ever thinking you were in some museum or art gallery. well i guess your kitchen is a sort of art gallery isn't it?
O.K. See the monkey? See the monkey with a stick, getting ants out of a log? Hint: Monkey see, monkey do. ;)
Quick, get it b4 it melts, or you'll be licking the Plugra off the floor;}
I'm sorry Hal, but I cannot allow you to go between between your stove and your refrigerator Hal.
Hey, we had something similar in our kitchen called "Butterhenge"!
*lol* this post made me chuckle.
"Boy, I wish I could reach that butter."
Without your space helmet, Dave, you're going to find that rather difficult.
This entire butterlith escapade is brilliant.
Holy crap. As a lit grad student trained to analyze the bejesus out of anything, my brian is is symbolic-metaphoric overload. Where to begin.
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