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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Don't write

Don't write.
It's too powerful.
It might tell someone how
you feel. How you hurt.
What you don't understand.

Don't write.
It's too powerful.
It will show who you are
on the inside to the outside.
It'll blow your cover,
your nice reputation.

Don't write.
It's too powerful.
You might hurt someone's feelings.
People may not like your words.
They may attack you, or abandon you.

Don't write.
It's too powerful.
It might give others hope.
Let them know
they're not alone.
It might change minds.
Change directions.
Change the world.

So, whatever you do,
don't write.


I wish I had written that poem.
But I'm not there yet.

I read this poem fairly often now, since Tara first posted it on her blog. It's a little mental shock to the system, and I don't mind that. "It'll blow your cover, your nice reputation." I'm still working on that one.

This poem is by Jen Lee and I think it's a very important reminder given current events and how people decide to censure themselves... or not.

For those of you who want to visit Tara's post and leave a comment, you can enter to win one of Jen Lee's journals. Her drawing will be held on Saturday.


d smith kaich jones October 21, 2008 at 2:08 PM  

Oh, that's wonderful. It can be so scary to just put yourself out there. But how good it feels after a while - to've stopped hiding & pretending.

Love this!

:) Debi

Lori October 21, 2008 at 3:52 PM  

Love this. It is so true it is scary to let yourself out there, but rewarding too. Great!

Relyn Lawson October 21, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

Oh, thank you! I followed all the linky-love and found a new blog friend.

tangobaby October 21, 2008 at 9:56 PM  

Hi tara,

Thank YOU for sharing that poem with us first. And how lovely about your giveaway!

Hi debi,

It's hard and scary and good all at the same time. But it's kind of addictive, too.

I'm so glad you liked the poem. It's simple and strong.

Hi Lori,

Welcome to my blog and thank you for the comment. I guess this poem really speaks to a lot of hearts out there, doesn't it?

Hi relyn,

It's all about the linky-love sometimes! Glad you found a new friend.

A Cuban In London October 22, 2008 at 3:13 AM  

It's a powerful poem. Using the negative to highlight a positive. Brilliant!

Greetings from London.

christina October 22, 2008 at 9:33 AM  

I read this on Tara's blog and love it. Mmm.. it's a wonderful reminder.

tangobaby October 22, 2008 at 1:37 PM  

Hi cuban (it's okay if I just call you that?)

It's a very powerful poem and one that inspires me even though I go off on these tangents and write smarty-pants things instead.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Hi christina,

You know you were the first person I thought of after I put up this post. I'm glad you write what's in your heart!