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Friday, October 24, 2008

Name that Pumpkin!

I could not help but think that this is one of the more ingeniously wicked pumpkin carvings I've seen recently. It's cannibalizing right in my neighborhood for all to see. I'm a little envious... if I can remember correctly, my pumpkins were always kind of mediocre and common.

I am sure there are a few of you out there who can come up with a fun name for this Halloween pumpkin. I seem to only have ideas for Election Campaign Buttons these days.

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My cabinet posts are filling up! But I need more good people.
And I keep thinking about what goodies I might possibly put in my little basket o'treats for the winner.

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I think julochka, despite whatever other post I might appoint her to, is readily proving herself to be my Secretary of Campaign Buttons Extraordinaire.


I hope you all have fun starting NOW.

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I'm ready for an action-packed few days off, starting with a musical date with my future Secretary of Cultural Awesomeness, Ms. Red Shoes and that great Irish rock band, Culann's Hounds. And a pint of cider.

And then a Saturday date with my buddy Little C., as I'll be her escort to the California Academy of Sciences I told you about. She was so excited for her first visit there that she begged me not to tell her anything about it, because then she'd be "too excited to sleep!" Now that is my kind of little science dweeby girl!

And then a bunch of other stuff I can't remember right now because I forgot to have a cup of coffee this morning and now it's too late for brain recovery.

Have a good weekend, folks, and don't forget to join my administration!

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Nancy Ewart October 24, 2008 at 3:02 PM  

Can I be your Secretary for the Arts? I've got great ideas which only need a bit (well a lot of money) to implement. Make ART, not War. Ars Longa, Vita Brevis. Etc.

julochka October 24, 2008 at 3:07 PM  

i'm so making a pumpkin like that for sabin's halloween party next week.

happy weekend, madame president. :-)


Red Shoes October 24, 2008 at 3:35 PM  

I thought I'd brighten up the tail end of your workday with this, ladies. (You have to scroll down for the pictures.)

That's the sort of thing I will discourage, as Secretary of Cultural Awesomeness. Although it's kind of awesome, to tell the truth.