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Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Lovely Collaboration

Oh, I'm just tickled pink about this.

The image you see above is the brand new masthead for Paris Parfait's blog.
I'm so honored and excited that she used my photograph!


I remember when I first started reading blogs and I discovered Paris Parfait. I used to lurk and admire, too shy to leave a comment (why in the world would she want to hear from me?) and enjoy her photos of Paris to give me endless daydreams. And then I started coming more and more for the writing and the poems and the wonderful intellect behind the words.

And I started leaving comments.

And then Tara and I became friends.


Tara is a gifted journalist, novelist and photographer. She's also one of the smartest people I know, and she's as kind-hearted as she is smart. A foreign correspondent who's lived all over the world (and you can read more of her bio here), at first I was surprised to learn not only how much she loves San Francisco, but that she actually lived in my neighborhood for several years!

When I described the "Yes We Can" painted fence that I have seen every day for months (in our neighborhood, we call it The Obama House), Tara was so excited about it and I promised to take a photo for her. I used that photo in a post a while back, too.

And then recently, she asked if she could use that image for her masthead and I couldn't have been more proud. Thank you, Tara! I love being a part of the work you do!



Greg October 5, 2008 at 11:30 PM  

you both should tell the owners of the YWC house about that...they'd love it. They are super nice folks.

Tess Kincaid October 6, 2008 at 6:00 AM  

Wow...it really looks nice. You should be so proud!

Anonymous October 6, 2008 at 9:05 AM  

You GO girl(s)!!!

Mary-Laure October 6, 2008 at 9:24 AM  

You must indeed be very proud, you and Obama :)

tangobaby October 6, 2008 at 12:18 PM  

Hi Greg,

Tell me which apt. they're in and I'll drop them a note and a little print out!

I don't know them.

Hi willow,

Doesn't it look nice? She has a great designer who makes her graphics for her.

Hi tara,

I'm so glad the blogosphere brought us together, too. You are a dear person and I learn a lot from you. I'm proud to call you my friend and I look forward to more collaborations in the future. I will let you know about the Obama House people...hopefully Greg can help me out on that one.


Hi johanna,


Hi mary-laure,

Perhaps Obama might have seen this fence already? But he has so many other things to deal with right now...


Anonymous October 7, 2008 at 1:23 PM  

i love seeing these collaborations and how real life friendships burgeon from connections over the virtual wires! you are both remarkable women!! you are in influence in my creative life and political life julie.. oh.. and yo make me laugh a lot of the time too :)

Mélanie October 11, 2008 at 2:30 AM  

Great collaboration ! I love your photo !!!