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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Movie Maven's Movie Marathon for America

Coming soon to a sofa near you (maybe). Stay tuned!


UPDATE: Okay, here is the scoop. I wish I had a bigger house and a teleporter so all of you could come! Boy, don't I wish!

I was inspired by my friend Amber, my passion for good movies (you knew that one already) and my passion to see that Barack Obama makes it to the White House this November (you knew that one already, too).


I've always wanted to have my own Tangobaby Film Festival, so I decided to combine that dream with a fundraiser that I'll be hosting through Hungry for Obama. It's on October 11 and starts at 11am.

Here's the idea: We'll all get together at my place and watch some fantastic movies and eat a lot of junk food and help raise money for Barack Obama's campaign.

I'll provide all the entertainment and concession stand food, including but not limited to: gourmet popcorn (popped for real on the stovetop by Popcorn Queen Amber), Red Vines, potato chips, soda and candy. My guests can stay for all the films or just one.

Right now the list of films include:

The Manchurian Candidate (Frank Sinatra can act, and it's paranoia/conspiracy at its finest)

Invasion of the Body Snatchers (the best and original version starring Kevin McCarthy and the beautiful Dana Wynter. See what might really happen if creationism gets taught in schools!)

Network (We're mad as hell, aren't we?)

Lost in America (just trying to lighten things up)

To Kill a Mockingbird (to give us hope that things might change finally for the better)

Dick (The real story of Watergate--where Dick Cheney learned his stuff--and Kirsten Dunst's finest hour)

Alien (Let's you and I pretend we're Ripley and the Alien is...?!!)

Movies subject to change, but this is to give you an idea. Let me know what you might include in my film festival, and maybe I'll change my programming! Or maybe you'll decide to hold a fundraising event at your house, too! That could be fun!


Anonymous October 2, 2008 at 10:01 AM  

Am looking forward to this - soon we will be cocooning with our DVD player too!
Thank you thank you thank you for your "lecture" yesterday. I looked at my foundation and sure enough, it was "moisturizing", thus the explanation for the running mascara. In any event, I get paid tomorrow so I'm off to buy something new (oh and I am guilty of using them for too long) and I promise not to buy waterproof!

A Cuban In London October 2, 2008 at 2:15 PM  

When, where, what? Please, questions, questions, questions. Any answers :-)?

Greetings from London.

tangobaby October 2, 2008 at 3:07 PM  

Hi kath,

If your foundation is moisturizing, that's okay...just use a little setting powder near your eyes so the mascara doesn't rewet.

Let me know how it goes at the beauty counter!

Hi a cuban in london,

It's all coming together. More on that soon, but you would need to start looking at airfare. Or webcam.


Anonymous October 2, 2008 at 3:10 PM  

okay we need to talk, I have no idea what setting powder is ... perhaps you could come and teach me ???

tangobaby October 2, 2008 at 4:32 PM  

Kath, we do need to talk...


BUT, you are very cute!

will October 3, 2008 at 9:06 PM  

The Manchurian Candidate that sums up the last 30 years of Repug domination.

tangobaby October 4, 2008 at 12:20 PM  

Hey Bill,

That's why it was the first movie that came to mind when I thought about what I might show. And then Invasion of the Body Snatchers was a close second.

We're on the same page, obviously!